Friday 21 March 2008

Finished, on time and under budget!

Grand Designs, eat your heart out! At 2:00 pm yesterday, we received the keys to the building. It was finished on time and under budget. All credit to Mayway construction for this fantastic achievement. The first service is on Easter Sunday at 10:15 a.m., all welcome!
Between now and then its a case of getting all the furniture and fittings into the building from their storage spaces in various garages around the local area and setting up the PA, staging and chairs in time for Sunday.
Its difficult to describe the sense of excitement and accomplishment. The actual build time has been short, September 'til March, but the planning, praying, giving and fundraising has taken years. It is the end of a journey, but the beginning of a new chapter as St John's Church now begins to use its building to serve the local community to be a place where people find help, friendship and hope and come to have faith in Jesus Christ.

Watch this space for photographs and hopefully a video clip of the completed building.

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